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MetalGate Czech Death Fest 10 Aniversary 14-16 June 2018 Cerveny Kostelec, Czech Republic

  • 14 - 16 June 2018 Cerveny Kostelec, Czech Republic

    MetalGate Czech Death Fest 10 Aniversary

Bands 2018:

SUFFOCATION (us), ROTTING CHRIST (gr), MASTER'S HAMMER (cz), SAMAEL (ch), DECAPITATED (pl), BEHEADED (mt), The Great Old Ones (fr), Hail Spirit Noir (gr), Ravencult (gr), Hideous Divinity (it), Darkfall (at), Murderline (mx), Planet Hell (pl), Pavillon Rouge (fr), Insania (cz), Malignant Tumour (cz), Tortharry (cz), Forgotten Silence (cz), Dying Passion (cz), BigBoss Band (cz), Melancholy Pessimism (cz), Six Degrees Of Separation (cz), Minority Sound (cz), War for War (cz), Postcards from Arkham (cz), F.O.B. (cz), Et Moriemur (cz), Keep On Rotting (cz), Antigod (cz), Doomas (sk), Mean Messiah (cz), Suburban Terrorist (sk), Dehydrated (sk), Elbe (cz), Diligence (cz), Liquid Space 9 (cz), Bloody Obsession (cz), Spreading Dread (cz), Elysium (cz), Desire for Sorrow (cz), Crystalepsy (cz), Made By Zero (cz), Plague Called Humanity (cz), Animal Hate (cz)


Kemp Brodsky


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